Course Registration Select Your Course Select Your CourseCHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing)CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Home and Community)CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability)CHCSS00114 Statement of Attainment at Certificate III Level Entry into Care Roles Skill Set Student Details Surname First Name Preferred Name Date of Birth {"daff_future_dates_only":"off","daff_past_dates_only":"on","daff_max_date":"","daff_max_future_days":"","daff_disabled_days":"","daff_disabled_dates":[""]} Gender Gender Female Male Other Citizenship CitizenshipAustralian CitizenNew Zealand CitizenAustralian Permanent ResidentBusiness VisaHoliday VisaStudent VisaTemporary Resident VisaVisitors VisaOther VisaOther (specify below) Citizenship Comment Were you born in Australia Were you born in Australia Yes No If no, what country were you born? Do you Identify as Do you Identify as Aboriginal South Sea Islander Torres Strait Islander Other (comment below) Identify As Comment Do you consider yourself to have a disability, impairment or long term condition? Do you consider yourself to have a disability, impairment or long term condition? No Yes If yes, please indicate the areas of disability, impairment or long term condition: If yes, please indicate the areas of disability, impairment or long term condition: Hearing/Deaf Physical Intellectual Learning Acquired Brain Impairment Vision Medical Condition Mental Illness Language Do you speak a language other than English at home? Do you speak a language other than English at home? No, English Only Yes If yes, please specify? How well do you speak English? How well do you speak English?Very wellWellNot wellNot at all Is English language assistance required? Is English language assistance required? No Yes Mobile Phone Home Phone Work Phone Email Street Address City/Suburb Postcode Is your postal address the same as your street address? Is your postal address the same as your street address? Yes No Are you living in Social Housing? Are you living in Social Housing? No Yes N/A Employment (if applicable) Occupation Employer Contact Address City/Suburb State Postcode Phone Fax Email Of the following categories, which best describes your current employment status? Of the following categories, which best describes your current employment status?Unemployed - looking for full time workUnemployed - looking for part time workEmployed full time by someone elseemployed part time by someone else or school apprenticeSelf employed - not employing other peopleEmployed unpaid family workerNot employed - not looking for employment Have you been unemployed for longer than 6 months? Have you been unemployed for longer than 6 months? No Yes Please provide details of any supplementary welfare (if applicable) Employment Service Provider name (if you have one) Employment Service Provider Client ID (if you have one) Schooling What is your highest completed school level? What is your highest completed school level? Year 12 Year 11 Year 10 Year 9 or equivalent Year 8 or lower Did not go to school In which year did you complete that level? Are you still attending secondary school? Are you still attending secondary school? Yes No School If yes, please provide the year level Contact City/Suburb Address State Postcode Previous Qualifications Achieved Have you undertaken any other Smart & Skilled training this year? Have you undertaken any other Smart & Skilled training this year? Yes No If yes, what Smart & Skilled training have you completed? Have you successfully completed any of the following qualifications? Have you successfully completed any of the following qualifications? Yes No Tick any applicable Tick any applicable Bachelor Degree or Higher Degree Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree Certificate IV Certificate III (or Trade Certificate) Certificate II Certificate I Certificates other than above USI (Unique Student Identifier) Do you have a USI? Do you have a USI? I DO HAVE a USI I DO NOT have a USI My USI is You can apply for a USI and provide it to Learned prior to commencing my course at By completing this enrolment form you consent to using your personal information to verify your USI. Media Release I authorise LearnEd, to use or reproduce material that may include my image for the purpose of: - Reporting ‘Good News’ stories to Government and funding bodies - Promotion of Learned as a business, services and projects The use of photographic material, student statement or information that includes or makes reference to, whole or in part, my personal information is restricted to use by Learned, and such use will be in accordance with current privacy legislation and the company’s Privacy Policy and will not be used by third parties without my consent. I agree I agree Yes No Identification Please upload a photo of your drivers licence or Passport Please upload a photo of your drivers licence or Passport Please upload a photo of your Medicare card Please upload a photo of your Medicare card Please upload a photo of your Concession Card (if applicable) Please upload a photo of your Concession Card (if applicable) Declaration By completing this on-line enrolment application form, I certify that the particulars herein are true and correct and agree to the following: The terms and conditions located in the Learned Student Handbook. Inclusive of all policies, procedures, funding and fee requirements. The program structure and the items listed within the Course Guide. Agree to complete a Tuition Fee Payment Plan. Provide evidence of Identification, and any & all additional requested items such as concession evidence. Have been provided the relevant USI Privacy Notice. Have been provided the Privacy Notice relevant to my studies. Consent to Learned utilising information for the purposes of the Smart & Skilled Calculator (NSW Students Only) If you are under the age of 18 the signature of your Parent/Guardian is required. Please see student forms on our website for the Parental Approval form or contact Learned. Electronic Signature Consent Electronic Signature Consent By checking here, you are consenting to the use of your electronic signature in lieu of an original signature on paper. Student Consent Student Consent I agree to the Student Declaration as stated on the Learned Enrolment Form 13 + 6 = Submit